Speaking Engagement - New York State Bar Association | 2018 International Section Seasonal Meeting (October 24 - 26, 2018) featuring Michael W. Galligan
10/17/2018SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT & SPONSORSHIP | The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) International Section hosts the 2018 Seasonal Meeting on October 24 - 26 in Montreal, Canada.
Michael Galligan, partner in the Trusts & Estates, Tax and International Practices, will be a featured panelist on, "Harmonizing Wealth Transfer Across the Canada-United States Border: The Challenges of Canada-United States Estate Planning," to be held on Friday, October 26 from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m.
Panel Description: "Millions of U.S. persons and Canadians own property, have established residence, often spend time, or have relatives and loved ones “on the other side of the border.” This panel will provide an introduction to some of the basic rules, challenges, and “traps for the unwary” in providing effective estate and related tax planning advice to U.S. and Canadian clients with important personal and financial ties to both countries."
Phillips Nizer is a proud sponsor of this event.
See here for more information and to register.